Activate Your Soulmate Attraction Power
For Lifelong Success in Love
Are you ready to....
  • enjoy  a romance with an amazing man that has your back
  •  feel supported by an emotionally healthy man you really trust
  •  be at ease and confident expressing your authentic self and  
  •  finally pick the RIGHT guy??

You keep attracting the wrong men, emotionally draining men, self-centered or even abusive men, you don’t trust you can pick the right guy, or you repeat the same cycle...

If you are sick of the guilt and stress of wondering what's wrong with you and you are secretly afraid that it really IS your fault...
Don’t worry you are not alone. I have SO been there. I am Emilia Nagy the Love and Confidence Coach and I help my clients attract and keep an amazing man who will treat you like a QUEEN. 
I want to invite you to have a love and confidence breakthrough session with me. 

BOOK A Love and Confidence Breakthrough Session APPLY here.

During our time together on our confidential 1-1 phone conversation,

  • You’ll discover what you need to attract an amazing man that treats you like a queen – believe me they do exist – I promise
  •  You’ll get the clarity and the confidence to call in your soul mate without settling for less or wasting your time on emotional vampires 
  •  You’re going to learn what it really takes to attract and keep a deeply fulfilling relationship with an amazing man - a man who sees you and loves you for who you truly are
I only have a few spots open and they fill up fast so be sure to apply right away I will look forward to serving you in your Love and Confidence Breakthrough!

Joanne B, Med Student

Emilia hones into the core of a problem with quick laser-sharp focus, a product of life experience beyond her years and her own brilliant mind.  Despite how easily she sees the truth of a situation, she coaches with compassion and real tenderness.  If you want to get on your next level in life, she is the real deal and can guide you there.  She brings healing, love,and clarity, and I am so grateful to know her.

Joanne B. Med Student, United States

Joanne B, Med Student

It was amazing speaking to the bubbly, vibrant and kind you. What awestruck me was your ability to see through my eyes and into my soul within few minutes into our conversation. All the more surprising but also that shows your expertise and experience in your field of work was the fact that despite the difference in culture, religion and the country from where i belong you could easily connect and advise me. I have been feeling so good and appreciated by your words and encouragement that the next day itself i got into a chat with a guy who seems in alignment with me and my goals. I cannot thank you enough and wish you well in all your endeavors. More power to you, Emilia :)

Hina N, Dubai

I want to say thank you. Our session allowed me to understand what was going on in my life, what was really happening and why I was feeling the way I did. I started reading everything I could find on the topic, I started doing everything I could to heal. I want to thank you for the amazing work you do. It is so important for people like me to know what’s their reality is. Thanks to the information I received through you I stopped being a victim and started building healthy boundaries and taking care of myself. I have a long way to go yet but at least I have started. Thank you so much! 

Eugenia Sverbikhina, Life Coach, Russia

Emilia has a gentle but direct way of telling you exactly what you need to hear. She is a wise woman who has done the work herself and forged a path for the rest of us. I always feel safe, loved and really seen in her presence. And the advice she shared with me helped me feel ready to take the next step in my relationship. I’m now happily married and extremely grateful for her perspective. She is a gift to this world!

Jesalyn Eatchel, Therapist, Reiki and Yoga teacher

The awareness I gained after one conversation with Emilia was amazing! I have felt confused, hurt and angry for the past two years,  trying so hard to please but met with rejection over and over. The day after talking with Emilia, when the same behaviors continued,  I was able to see more clearly, I didn't feel bullied and actually had compassion. Emilia's  Wise words made sense and clicked. Thanks so much for helping me! The truth really set me free!

Love, Tammy M

Emilia, in that one phone call, changed the course of my life. For the last 5 years I battled deep depression, suicide attempts and trauma to the point of being almost completely unable to function. Emilia showed me that I had to learn how to put healthy boundaries in place. Emilia gave me my first step to recovery. I can't tell you how grateful I was for the call. She didn't judge me. Didn't treat me like I was as crazy as I felt. And I knew she understood.....when no one else did. The next day I took my first steps towards a brighter future. Because of Emilia's care and encouragement, I can see a future where there wasn't one. I am so grateful to Emilia.

Leigh H., Administrator, Australia

Get started today and APPLY for a complimentary & private, 1-1 

Sacred Love Breakthrough Session

I only have a limited number so make sure yoAPPLY here right away if you want to Attract Your Soulmate ASAP. It is possible!